Thursday, September 13, 2012

Favourite Traveling Quotes - #1

J. R. R. Tolkien hit the nail on the head when he said these famous words, perhaps that's why this quote is so popular with wanders like myself. "Not all those who wander are lost" is my #1 favourite traveling quote. Maybe it's because at this moment in time I feel I can deeply connect with his words. Yes, I may wander the globe traveling. Yes I have lived in 3 different countries during the past 3 years.  Yes I have zero desire in the immediate future to settle down.  I however, do not believe that I am lost.  People out there that drive me absolutely bonkers when they say "There, there, you'll find your way eventually." or some equally smarmy equivalent. I do not suffer from a disease, thank you very much.  

The overwhelming feeling of wanderlust I struggle to sate is a very deeply rooted part of who I am. By coming to accept this at-times-baffling aspect of myself and the lessons learned thanks to my adventures   I have gained greater understanding of who I truly am as a person. My love of wandering has therefore helped me down the difficult road of finding myself.  

1 comment:

  1. I completely agree with J. R. R. Tolkien's philosophy. I think, there is no such words like "lost" in the dictionary of a traveler. He visits a place for a reason and he returns with memories and knowledge which is invaluable in this world.

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    Great Journeys
    France Travel Video
